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Educational Series - Child Development for Parents: class two

  • Village Playgarden 3636 Skylane Drive Altadena, CA, 91001 United States (map)

This is the second class of the three-part series. We will be discussing child development, language and language development, and nurturing self-esteem for the young child. You can attend one or all three classes.

Class Two: December 3rd, 10:00 AM – 1:00 PM - Language and Language Development

  • How do we speak to children so the body can listen?

  • How do we speak to our children in a developmentally appropriate way so they can understand?

  • The language of touch

  • What is shaming language

  • When we speak to children are we being clear: Clear is Kind; Kind is clear

  • The language of Creativity and Imagination

  • Transactional Analyses – Ways of speaking to all human beings

December 1

Community Visit Day - December

January 19

Community Visit Day - January